Mental Health Awareness Week
Mental Health Awareness Week is a week-long event that occurs from May 13 to May 19, 2024, which aims to
INS on the Disability Action Plan
Any plan to help disabled people has to be of benefit to someone in need. We have summarised many points
Telephone Helplines and WhatsApp Idea
Life moves forward and so does technology. Mobiles have made life much easier and allowed people to communicate literally everywhere.
INS Are We Activists or Advocates
This ones for us not a tough one but it could be. People or organisations these days can fit into
Announcing Our Fun Site At Its Not Simple
This is a beta release of our fun site for mental health users to have some fun and get things
INS Maintenance
We are just having a reload and clearout of our systems and hosting. Some services will be effected for
Its Not Simple Shorts
INS shorts you say? Yes this section is for adding short items even sentences. It’s a small idea just to